Review Request - Middle DDK

Review Request - Middle DDK  

  By: BinarySecond on Jan. 8, 2020, 8:39 a.m.


Over the past year my rating has dropped by quite a lot so I'm trying to focus on improving my play.

This game I made a big mistake which led to losing a large group of stones. It starts around move 110 by my best guess.

This is the game in question

I'm looking for alternatives I could have played in this game, mostly in the way Dwyrin plays his basics videos. A focus on good shape, big moves, getting and keeping sente - that kind of thing.


Re: Review Request - Middle DDK  

  By: Ro.Rook on Jan. 8, 2020, 2:38 p.m.


I posted some variations in the original game (still new to OGS interface). You should be able to find them in the original link.

But as a general idea, I would recommend 3 points to try when you play:

  • If it isn't required to 100% live or 100% kill a group that's already surrounded and can't escape, stop plying on the first line till endgame
  • Try to always think during attacking if you are safe enough; usually defend before attacking is a good idea
  • When attacking try to attack to make points, NEVER to kill. If you arrive in a situation where you have to kill to win, you are in a desperate situation already. This includes moves that steal eyes from groups that are not 100% surrounded - this is just trying to kill and not thinking about profit at all

Have fun!