
Here are the OSR League results for December:

A total of 63 matches took place:

  • 53 ladder matches
  • 9 DDK league matches
  • 1 dan league match

  • HanHyung wins first place with 13 points in the ladder.
  • Stinky Tofu wins second place with a total 10 points.
  • Hyacinth wins first place for the Dan League, in a decisive match against OSR Meijin
  • leandrocus wins the DDK league for the second time in a row with 5 points.

  • MVP award goes to HanHyung for winning first place in the monthly ladder 3 times in a row, well done!

Winners will receive a 5€ Voucher for Guo Juan's Internet Go School :)

Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Guo Juan's Internet Go School