Suggestion for Meijin: Master league for all OSR league games games. ¶
By: okiol on May 1, 2017, 4:23 p.m.
Suggestion: Every game between two OSR players in the room with the #osr tag is a Meijin game as well as whatever league game there might be.
No complication with what league it's playing in, no argumentation about should we play this league or that league, no complication with the tags, no complication about joining another separate league, since everybody gets automatically signed up for it. (And kicked out, if they're too inactive to maintain a position in the ladder system.)
If it's a game against someone else in the same league, it's doubly worth, since it gives points for two leagues at the same time. But anyone can also play anyone in the OSR system if they want. Players can of course still choose to only play in their ladder league, just like the current Meijin league.
Last edited by: okiol on May 1, 2017, 4:24 p.m., edited 1 time in total.