Top of the day go players and friends!

This month we had the meijin league closing on top of other monthly leagues. No one manage to overcome our champion yet. Please, please, we need a hero to end this tyranny!

On the bright side, positive won the dan league!  It's great to see newcomers winning leagues! This league is still quite inactive but it's for you guys to make it alive.

This month we informally deployed the discord OSR Bot which has a mission to provide users with information and to help them get games.  We would be interested to hear your views if you have been using it.  We will soon announce the bot officially with instructions on how to use it.

Remember, we build tools, provide prizes but that's you doing the hard job: playing, studying, teaching and learning.

Enough of that, let's get our winners rewarded!

Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for this great month.

Special thanks to all OSR teachers, partners, friends, supporters and patréons for providing us with great prizes every month!
